The Daniel Baird Foundation Charity was set up after the death of Daniel Baird. He was 26 years of age and was fatally stabbed in the early hours of 8th July 2017, outside The Forge Tavern, Digbeth in Birmingham following a night out with friends. There was no first aid or bleeding control kit available. Dan died shortly after arriving at the hospital due to catastrophic bleeding.
This young man like many others was out with his friends having a good time. The life of many people should not end in this tragic way. Had there been a publicly accessible bleeding control pack available Dan and many others may still be alive.
In 2001, I was able to save the life of a young boy who had been stabbed by another youth in East London Street. My knowledge of first aid allowed me to act quickly and get him to a nearby hospital.
The Daniel Baird Foundation aims to raise awareness of the importance of having publicly accessible bleeding control kits available. Using my connections in education and the police, I am working to secure as many bleed kits as possible in strategic locations across London.
We the VCPB believe in collaboration to drive forward innovation. We will work with community groups and business organisations to get these vital bleed control kits into as many venues as possible.
I am hoping the London Mayor’s office, will help support the rollout of a teaching and learning program which has been designed to raise the awareness of the biology of the human body and the avoidance to criminality. Through an access consciousness approach, teachers will be able to distract young people from youth violence.
Anthony Peltier VCPB Education